The characteristic function of TU Madrasah
Based on the observations of the author of a number of madrasas in the district of Tangerang obtained similar job description Tu madrasas as described by Muhammad Yasin. Namely
- The phenomenon of unclear division of duties and responsibilities of each staff of TU. Their terms: collective work. There are advantages and disadvantages of course. The surplus is any possibility to have all the expertise of staff Administration School. The disadvantage is a matter of who is responsible if the work is not completed or problematic. Unfortunately, the collective work of the Administrative staff
- Auth obscurity understanding the difference between the teachers and Administration, as the initial trigger of much confusion and conflict of teachers in the school Administration. Until now there is still a school / madrasah teachers who assume the task of teaching only, while in addition to teaching is the job of Administration. phenomenon as a waitress Master of Business governance, strengthening the chances of conflict are also teachers - TU. Especially with the limited ability of a number of teachers in using the computer lead teachers "deliver" all the tasks that actually still Auth it to the TU.
- Working hours difference Guru - Administrative At secondary school, there was jealousy, especially at the level of teachers and civil servants TU. Teachers' working hours are relatively low compared to the TU, the TU hyper decreased motivation to work. Imagine, TU civil servants working six days of work, teacher civil servants could be 3 working days. Then the phenomenon of TU chat can be found (though rarely found in the school author). This does not include discussion about the differences in the number of types of incentives are far more teachers than the number of types of incentives Administration
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